This is an outdated version published on 24-11-2021. Read the most recent version.

Yasak Elma Series As An Example Of Techno-Show And “Tv Series Clothes" On Social Medıa  


  • Aysu Uğur Balcı .


Tüketim, Televizyon, Dizi, Tekno-gösteri, Sosyal medya


Television is used as an indispensable tool of everyday life. Criticism of television content often focused on situations that would negatively affect audiences. As an effective mass media, television affects consumption habits. In particular, fictional series based on the story lead viewers in the field of fashion and consumption. Clothing is an indicator of status and respectability. By continuing this view, the Media uses the symbolic function of fashion in its narratives and ensures the continuity of consumption. But the fashion hunt and consumption on social media has taken this techno-show to a new dimension. Social media, which coined the term “series clothes," has continued and accelerated the consumer tradition of television. This work was based on the assumption that techno-show made through series reinforces consumption. In this context, the Yasak Elma series was selected as a sample as a means of techno-show. In the study, the document review method was selected and the data was analyzed by content analysis method. A qualitative analysis was conducted on the use of clothing in the series, consumption, and perception of clothing in the series formed on social media. As a result of the results obtained, it was concluded that the series creates narratives that reinforce fashion consumption and creates new expansions in consumption by arousing sound on social media. Thus, it was seen that the image of consumption, which began with television, reached a different dimension with social media.


24-11-2021 — Updated on 24-11-2021


How to Cite

Uğur Balcı, A. (2021). Yasak Elma Series As An Example Of Techno-Show And “Tv Series Clothes" On Social Medıa  . Journal of Türkiye Media Academy, 1(2), 39–59. Retrieved from



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